The Immersive Global Middle Ages (IGMA) (2022-2023)

The(IGMA) was a 28-month initiative funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, running from January 2022 to December 2023. Focused on advancing interdisciplinary research, pedagogy, and public engagement through immersive technologies, IGMA explored the “Global Middle Ages” (500–1500 CE) to reimagine cultural exchanges and narratives of this era. The project combined virtual workshops, in-person training, and innovative digital modeling tools like SketchUp Pro, Gephi, and VR platforms to create immersive historical reconstructions.

Collaborators: Co-directed by Dr. Roger L. Martínez-Dávila(UCCS) and Dr. Lynn Ramey from Vanderbilt University. The IGMA featured a distinguished lineup of expert speakers and participants from universities and institutions around the globe. These include Geraldine Heng (University of Texas at Austin), Lisa Fagin Davis (Medieval Academy of America), David Charles Fredrick (University of Arkansas), Jaime Molina Vidal (Universidad de Alicante, Spain), Sean Perrone (St. Anselm College), Victor R. Schinazi (Bond University, Australia), Amy N. Fredeen (Cook Inlet Tribal Council), Dorothy Kim (Brandeis University), Ángel D. Nieves (Northeastern University), Tracy Fullerton (University of Southern California), Madeleine Casad (Vanderbilt University), David Neville (Grinnell College), Lisa Snyder (University of California, Los Angeles), and Catherine Holmes (Oxford University).

Notable institute participants include Courtney Luckhardt (University of Southern Mississippi), Nahir I. Otaño Gracia (University of New Mexico), M. Christina Bruno (Fordham University), Sierra Lomuto (Rowan University), Hadeer Aboelnagah (Prince Sultan University), Katherina Fostano (Fordham University), Curtis Dean Smith (California State University, Sacramento), Edward Holt (Grambling State University), Elizabeth J. West (Georgia State University), Matthew Herbst (University of California, San Diego), Blair Apgar (Independent Researcher), Maureen McGuire (University of California, Santa Cruz), Claire Dillon (Columbia University), Jonathan Correa Reyes (Pennsylvania State University), and Anne McClanan (Portland State University).

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