Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Spain (2014-ongoing)

Deciphering Secrets is a collaborative citizen science project focused on revealing the inter-religious relations of Jews, Christians, Muslims, and religious converts during the 12th through 16th centuries in late medieval and early modern Spain. This project portal, directed to the public and scholars alike, offers access to: (1) the Deciphering Secrets: Medieval Spanish Manuscript and Transcription Collection, (2) Spanish paleography and historical resources that include e-publication, video instruction, and practicums; (3) peer-reviewed research and publications and other findings; and (4) citizen science Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Zooniverse efforts (spring 2022).

Collaborators: The project is supported by a distinguished group of scholars and institutional collaborators specializing in historical research, manuscript studies, and cultural heritage preservation. Key contributors include Dr. Roger Martínez-Dávila from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Dr. Santiago Palomero Plaza from Museo Sefardí, and Dr. Mariano García Ruipérez from Archivo Municipal de Toledo. Additional experts include Mr. Isidoro Castañeda Todera from Archivo y Biblioteca Capitular de Toledo, Mr. Fernando Luis Fontes Blanco from Museo de Santa Cruz, and Dra. Aránzazu Lafuente Urién from Archivo Histórico Nacional-Sección Nobleza (AHNSN). The project also benefits from the expertise of Dr. Jaime Alvar Ezquerra from UC3M, Dr. Francisco García Serrano Nebras from Saint Louis University-Madrid, and Dra. Ana María Rodríguez López from CSIC in Madrid.

This project has received funding from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nº 600371, el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (COFUND2013-51509) and Banco Santander. Additional funding provided by University of Colorado System, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, and Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

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